Poetry Corner


© Lindsey Hon Rubendall

I am hiding.

Cocooning my inner vessel 

as the arms of a bear mother 

protect and secure her offspring, 

shielding with a vengeance – 

The small child in the dark corner,

trembling as the monster scratches hungrily

his long claws upon the wooden door

Darkness clambering at the innocence within


I am hiding.

Hiding from the song long dying to escape 

Fiercely seeking to rise from my heart, 

yet, constricts in the hollow of my throat

suffocating upon my collapsing lungs

And dies.

Dies upon the sharpest thought

 that scathing sword of criticism

Decapitating each and every expression 

not yet borne of absolute perfection

The Keeper, piling the artistic misfits 

in the lowest, dankest cell devoid of light



For the fear.

Fear that my sacred core may be seen, 

exposed upon the harshest light of day

Naked with no chance of explanation

The fear that the expression of my soul 

does not capture the light of my being 

But is seen like some dark perversion, 

clamming to escape from the catacombs 

of my misunderstood mind, 

bursting forth like a burning Phoenix 

upon the air to rain down as ash, 

some toxic plague upon mankind. 

Is that what I see? 

Is that what I fear? 



I am the judge and jury

The harshest sceptic, condemner 

The executioner with the swiftest blade.

So that spirit song may never be sung

The notes never soar upon dancing strings

The brush left caked in dry, crumbling paint

The words suffocated, never uttered on the air

Condemned, they are and never will 

be quite ripe for the picking, 

expressions with the sweetest juice

that leave an insatiable hunger for more

And the soul goes on wanting.



Kill what may be to not suffer the fear

Drown the soul to never know that bright 

celestial light of purest, heavenly love

streaming through each heart, begging

begging, to be borne into the creative air

The divine culmination of humanity 

A purpose to evolve, create and love

Suppressed and discarded in the 

long battle of shame and guilt



I am hiding.

With a fear that squanders the

magical expression of the soul

denying the divine sanctity of its being

From the dark corner of my cocoon 

I bid myself the strength to rise

Slow, tender steps upon the floor

As the door looms ominously

that terrifying monster yet before,

Knowing such fear is manifested of me

I gather my courage and turn the handle 

I will hide no more.

L. A. Hon Rubendall

About this poem

“I am the judge and jury. The harshest sceptic, condemner.

The executioner with the swiftest blade…”

What creative does not know the tale? The squandering of talents crying to break free, itching the fingers to mould, the voice to sing, the words to pour into an elegant stew that feeds for eternity. 

Fear eats at all that might be. It lingers under the robin’s nest, watching, waiting for the first chicks to stretch their wings and dare to fly, their expression about to borne onto the air only to be snatched by the harsh, chomping jaws of Fear. Feathers fall to the floor.

Too often have I sat on each and every one of my creations. Unfinished paintings, songs yet to be sung and poems upon poems collecting dust, deemed not yet right to be set free into the world. It is ironic then, that one of my favourite quotes is from Martha Graham preaching the exact opposite. That it is a duty to set your creations free without judgement. (See about page)

Ahhh. But judge I do. Yet again and again I gather my courage and set one foot beyond the door, pull it back in again, and out. An endless dance that moves neither forward nor backward. It only creates the illusion that it does. 

But all creations desire to take flight and it is not for us, their creators, to squander, but those who might be touched by their expression. All art has purpose and all souls have a right and a purpose to express their being. 

In words both meant for you and me –  hide no more, but be that brave little chick and take flight. For one moment of being airborne is surely greater than never knowing what lies beyond the nest.

Poetry Corner

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