© Lindsey Hon Rubendall

Lindsey Hon Rubendall


Exclusive First Release

Burn Video - © Lindsey Hon Rubendall
Play Video about Burn Music Video - © Lindsey Hon Rubendall

About this song

When you hide who you truly are, in the depths of your being, you will only ever get to experience a half-existence, one plagued by an ever aching need for you to break free and just…let…go.

This is my first song. I don’t just mean first released song, but literally my first fully written, composed, performed and produced musical work. The beginning of a dream long in the making.

Since I was a young girl, music has called to me, like a lightening crack in a canyon, booming in reverberating echos loud enough to shatter your ears into oblivion. That powerful of a call has been utterly soul crushing to ignore – and yet, over the years, I could only ever find the courage to dip my toe in here and there. Never fully ready to admit it to myself and be committed, not quite ready to be brave.

Brave because music is the absolute raw heart of me. And singing, especially singing has always, always been my guiding light in my darkest of times. It is something I have struggled to share with others, because it is so, so very close. It’s stripping away my defences, standing naked in the spotlight and screaming at the top of my lungs, “Here I am!”

So many of us are hiding parts of ourselves, key parts, too afraid to let the world see who we really are. Scared to be exposed and judged. Be brave with me, whatever your truth may be. 

That fire has always been burning. Spread your wings and fly

Just for fun

© LAHR - Cold Be Heart_preview
Play Video about LAHR - Cold Be Heart
Inspired by the lord of the rings
A hint of Middle Earth,
 a sprinkle of Gregorian charm…
Dive into this mystical a cappella

“A song breathes life into what the soul has to say”

- Lindsey Hon Rubendall -
